Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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Bulletin PMR
Вестник ПРБ

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«Statehood of Pridnestrovie»

     "100 Years since the formation of the MASSR"


      Denomination: 10 roubles.
      Alloy: 925 Silver, 
      Quality: proof-like
      Diameter: 33 mm. 
      Weight: 15,55 G. 
      Mintage: 100 pcs. 
      Edge: plain
      Art: Sokolova A.
The avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - the Year of issue of the coin "2024", below - the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, alloy fineness.

The reverse: At the top is a color image of the coat of arms of the MASSR, below it: on the left is a cartographic image of part of the Northern Black Sea region with the territory of the MASSR illustrated in color, inscriptions: «ДНЕСТР» (DNIESTER), «БЕССАРАБИЯ» (BESSARABIA); on the right is a three-line inscription «100 ЛЕТ МАССР» (100 YEARS OF THE MASSR).

     "30 Years of state security of the PMR"


      Denomination: 10 roubles.
      Alloy: 925 Silver, 
      Quality: proof-like
      Diameter: 33 mm. 
      Weight: 15,55 G. 
      Mintage: 100 pcs. 
      Edge: plain
The avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - the Year of issue of the coin "2022", below - the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, alloy fineness.

The reverse: in the center - the image of the emblem of the Ministry of State Security of the PMR; at the top in a circle - the inscription: «30 ЛЕТ ОРГАНАМ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ» (30 YEARS OF STATE SECURITY), below - the inscription "1992-2022".



     Denomination: 100 roubles.
     Quality: proof-like.
     Diameter: 32 mm. 
     Weight: 14,14 G. 
     Mintage: 500 pcs. 
     Edge: plain. 
     Alloy: 925 silver. 
     Number in the Catalogue 309-213-02*.

The obverse:  in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of  the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2004 “ is under the image.

The reverse:  In a top on a circle a colour image of a flag. Below than flag an image of an outline Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. At the left in the middle inscription "80 ЛЕТ" (80 YEARS) and in the left lower quarter an inscription on a circle "ПЕРВОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОСТИ В ПРИДНЕСТРОВЬЕ" (FIRST STATEHOOD OF PRIDNESTROVIE). On the right in the middle inscription "1924-2004". 



      Denomination: 100 roubles.
      Quality: proof-like.
      Diameter: 32 mm. 
      Weight: 14,14 G. 
      Mintage: 500 pcs. 
      Edge: plain. 
      Alloy: 925 silver. 

      Number in the Catalogue 309-213-03.      

The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2005 “ is under the image.

The reverse: at centre the House of  Councils, on a circle of an inscription above is represented: "ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПМР" (FIFTEEN YEARS OF FORMATION PMR), below - «1990-2005". 


       Denomination: 100 roubles.
       Quality: proof-like.
       Diameter: 32 mm. 
       Weight: 14,14 G. 
       Mintage: 500 pcs. 
       Edge: plain. 
       Alloy: 925 silver.

        Number in the Catalogue 309-213-05..

The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2005 “ is under the image.

The reverse: at centre the building of  Republican Drama Theatre, on a circle of an inscription above is represented:  «ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПМР»  (FIFTEEN YEARS OF FORMATION PMR), below "ТИРАСПОЛЬ" (TIRASPOL), are lower - "1990-2005".
        Investment gold coin: 



       Denomination: 15 roubles.
       Quality: proof
       Diameter: 50 mm. 
       Weight: 156,4 G. 
       Mintage: 15 pcs. 
       Edge: ribbed.
       Alloy: 999 gold.

        Number in the Catalogue 309-310-06.

The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of  the coin "15 РУБЛЕЙ" (15 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2005 “ is under the image.

The reverse: at centre the building of Republican Drama Theatre, on a circle of an inscription above is represented: «ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПМР» (FIFTEEN YEARS OF FORMATION PMR), below "ТИРАСПОЛЬ" (TIRASPOL), are lower - "1990-2005".


          Denomination: 15 roubles.
          Quality: proof
          Diameter: 50 mm. 
          Weight: 156,4 G. 
          Mintage: 15 pcs. 
          Edge: ribbed.
          Alloy: 999 gold.

           Number in the Catalogue 309-310-04.

The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of the coin "15 РУБЛЕЙ" (15 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2006 “ is under the image.

The reverse: at centre the building of  House of Councils, on a circle of an inscription above is represented: «ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПМР» (FIFTEEN YEARS OF FORMATION PMR), below - "1990-2005".


            Denomination: 100 roubles.
            Quality: proof-like.
            Diameter: 32 mm. 
            Weight: 14,14 G. 
            Mintage: 500 pcs. 
            Edge: plain. 
            Alloy: 925 silver.

            Number in the Catalogue 309-213-07.

The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of  the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2005 “ is under the image.

The reverse:  мonument T.G. Shevshenco, on the right “75 лет" (75 Years) at the left is represented; on a background - central building of University, above a of dates located one under other 1930- 2005. On a circle on to a fillet an inscription “ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ им.Т.Г.ШЕВЧЕНКО" (PRIDNESTROVIAN STATE UNIVERSITY BY T.G. SEVSHENCO). 

              10 YEARS OF THE CONSTITUTION. 


              Denomination: 100 roubles.
              Quality: proof-like.
              Diameter: 32 mm. 
              Weight: 14,14 G. 
              Mintage: 500 pcs. 
              Edge: plain. 
              Alloy: 925 silver.

              Number in the Catalogue 309-213-08.

The obverse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian republican bank) in Cyrillic around the image, below nominal of the coin "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue Year “2005 “ is under the image.

The reverse:  above on a circle an inscription  "10 ЛЕТ КОНСТИТУЦИИ" (10 YEARS OF THE CONSTITUTION). At centre of a coin an image of the uncovered book, which right party is painted in colours of Pridnestrovian state flag: red - green-red; the left grey colour, on which the inscription "КОНСТИТУЦИЯ" (CONSTITUTION)  is located. At the bottom of a coin on a circle an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКОЙ МОЛДАВСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ" (PRIDNESTROVIAN MOLDAVIAN REPUBLIC). At the bottom under the uncovered constitution date of an operation of the constitution "1995-2005". 



            Denomination: 15 roubles.
            Quality: proof-like.
            Diameter: 37x21 mm. 
            Weight: 31 G. 
            Mintage: 250 pcs. 
            Edge: plain. 
            Alloy: 925 silver.

The obverse:  Coin of the rectangular form, in the middle band deviding it on two equal parts. In a right member an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. At the bottom under the arms of an inscription: on centre a year issue coins "2009", at the left trade mark of the manufacturer, on the right test of metal «Ag 925» (for a silver coin), "Au 999" (for a gold coin). In the left part of a coin of an inscription: above  «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at centre figure "15", below in words  «ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ РУБЛЕЙ».(FIFTEEN ROUBLES).

The reverse: at centre an image of a building Pridnestrovian republican bank. On the right and at the left Anniversary and memorable coins of Pridnestrovian republican bank are represented. On the right below large number "15". Below text   «15 ЛЕТ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ВАЛЮТЕ».(15 YEARS TO NATIONAL CURRENCY).


             Denomination: 15 roubles.
             Quality: proof-like.
             Diameter: 22x13 mm. 
             Weight: 6,10 G. 
             Mintage: 250 pcs. 
             Edge: plain. 
             Alloy: 999 gold.

The obverse:  Coin of the rectangular form, in the middle band deviding it on two equal parts. In a right member an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. At the bottom under the arms of an inscription: on centre a year issue coins "2009", at the left trade mark of the manufacturer, on the right test of metal «Ag 925» (for a silver coin), "Au 999" (for a gold coin). In the left part of a coin of an inscription: above «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at centre figure "15", below in words «ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ РУБЛЕЙ».(FIFTEEN ROUBLES).

The reverse: at centre an image of building of Pridnestrovian republican bank. On the right and at the left Anniversary and memorable coins of Pridnestrovian republican bank are represented. On the right below large number "15". Below text  «15 ЛЕТ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ВАЛЮТЕ».(15 YEARS TO NATIONAL CURRENCY).

               "20 YEARS PMR" (GOLD).


            Denomination: 20 roubles.
            Quality: proof-like.
            Diameter: 39 mm. 
            Weight: 62,70 G. 
            Mintage: 30 pcs. 
            Edge: ribbed.. 
            Alloy: 999 gold.


           Denomination: 20 roubles.
           Quality: proof-like.
           Diameter: 50 mm. 
           Weight: 125,25 G. 
           Mintage: 20 pcs. 
           Edge: ribbed.. 
           Alloy: 999 gold.

The obverse:  image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. On a circle of an inscription: above «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК»  (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below  "20 РУБЛЕЙ" (20 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the arms a year issue coins "2010", on the right label of  metal, test of an alloy. 

The reverse:  image of  hands with of  ground and making the way from flower . Above - abbreviation «ПМР» (PMR), below - label of  temporary period: "1990-2010".
              "20 YEARS PMR" (SILVER).


          Denomination: 5 roubles.
          Quality: proof-like.
          Diameter: 39 mm. 
          Weight: 33,80 G. 
          Mintage: 250 pcs. 
          Edge: plain. 
          Alloy: 925 Silver.

The obverse:  image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. On a circle of an inscription: above «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below "20 РУБЛЕЙ" (20 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the arms a year issue coins "2010", on the right label of metal, test of an alloy. 
The reverse: image of hands with of ground and making the way from flower . Above - abbreviation «ПМР» (PMR), below - label of temporary period: "1990-2010".



          Denomination: 20 roubles.
          Quality: proof-like.
          Diameter: 39 mm. 
          Weight: 33,50 G. 
          Mintage: 200 pcs. 
          Edge: plain. 
          Alloy: 925 Silver.

The obverse: image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2011", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass; on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «20 РУБЛЕЙ» (20 ROUBLES).

The reverse:  the Arms of the Ministry of internal Affairs PMR, at the left and on the right Arms are framed by leaves; under the arms on a fluttering flag an inscription «20 ЛЕТ» (20 YEARS); on a circle of an inscription: above  «МИНИСТЕРСТВО ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ» (THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS), below "«1991-2011".



Denomination: 20 roubles.
            Quality: proof-like.
            Diameter: 32 mm. 
            Weight: 13,87 G. 
            Mintage: 200 pcs. 
            Edge: plain. 
            Alloy: 925 Silver.

The obverse: image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «20 РУБЛЕЙ» (20 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2012", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.           

The reverse:  At centre an image two crossed kaducea, being an element of  the arms of Сustoms houses PMR, above scription "20-Я ГОДОВЩИНА ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ТАМОЖЕННЫХ ОРГАНОВ ПМР" (20 Anniversary of formation of Сustoms houses PMR); below inscription "1992",  image two lavr of  branches.


          Denomination: 20 roubles.
          Alloy: 925 Silver, gilding
          Quality: proof-like.
          Diameter: 39 mm. 
          Weight: 33,46 G. 
          Mintage: 250 pcs. 
          Edge: plain. 

The obverse:  image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «20 РУБЛЕЙ» (20 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2012", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of  metal, test of an alloy, mass.

The reverse:  in the center – the image of the building of Pridnestrovian republican bank, executed in gilding, over it – "ПРБ" (PRB) abbreviation, around – an inscription "20 лет Приднестровскому республиканскому банку" (20 years of Pridnestrovian republican bank); below – year of foundation of 1992 bank and a frame in the form of a wreath from laurel and oak branches.



         Denomination: 20 roubles.
         Alloy: 925 Silver, color image, gilding.
         Quality: proof-like.
         Diameter: 32 mm. 
         Weight: 13,87 G. 
         Mintage: 250 pcs. 
         Edge: plain. 

The obverse: image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «20 РУБЛЕЙ» (20 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2012", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

The reverse: in the center – the globe image with the palm branch executed in gilding against a flag of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in color, under it – "verbum vincet" inscription, below – an inscription "20 лет" (20 years), on both sides of which date "1992", "2012"; around – inscriptions "Министерство иностранных дел" (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), "Приднестровья" (Pridnestrovie).
            "20 YEARS STATE SECURITY OF PMR".   

         Denomination: 100 roubles.
         Alloy: 925 Silver, 
         Quality: proof-like.
         Diameter: 32 mm. 
         Weight: 13,87 G. 
         Mintage: 100 pcs. 
         Edge: plain. 

The obverse: image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «100 РУБЛЕЙ» (100 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2012", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

The reverse:  in the center – the image of the coat of  Arms of  Committee for State Security of PMR;  around  from left  to right – an inscription "20 лет органам госбезопасности" (20 years state security of  PMR); below – an inscription "1992-2012".      



        Denomination: 10 roubles.
        Alloy: 925 Silver, 
        Quality: proof-like.
        Diameter: 32 mm. 
        Weight: 14,14 G. 
        Mintage: 500 pcs. 
        Edge: plain. 

The obverse: image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «100 РУБЛЕЙ» (100 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2015", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

The reverse:  in the center - in the rays of the rising sun image flying doves - a symbol of peace, and above it the inscription - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКАЯ МОЛДАВСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА» (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic), on the right inscription - «25 ЛЕТ» (25 YEARS) at the bottom of  stylized flag PMR tape inscription - "1990-2015".

        "30 YEARS FORMATION PMR" (silver)


        Denomination: 10 roubles.
        Alloy: 925 Silver, 
        Quality: proof-like.wihe colous image
        Diameter: 33 mm. 
        Weight: 15,55 G. 
        Mintage: 250 pcs. 
        Edge: plain. 
        Art: Paskar`K

The obverse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLE); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2020", below - the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, on the right - the metal designation, alloy fineness.

The reverse: against the background of the sun's rays, the image of the text of the Decree on the proclamation of the sovereign state of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; at the top - the inscription  «ТРИДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПМР» (THIRTY YEARS OF FORMATION OF THE PMR), on the right - the inscription "30" on the background of ears, below it - the stylized flag of the PMR, made in color .:


        Denomination: 100 roubles.
        Alloy: 999 Gold, 
        Quality: proof-like.wihe colous image
        Diameter: 22.6 mm. 
        Weight: 7,78 G. 
        Mintage: 100 pcs. 
        Edge: plain. 
        Art: Paskar`K

The obverse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - the inscriptions: at the top «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK", at the bottom - «100 РУБЛЕЙ» (100 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2020", below - the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, on the right - the metal designation, alloy fineness.

The reverse: in the center - against the background of the sun's rays, the image of the text of the Resolution on the proclamation of the sovereign state of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; at the top - the inscription «ТРИДЦАТЬ ЛЕТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПМР» (THIRTY YEARS OF FORMATION OF THE PMR), on the right - the inscription "30" against the background of ears, under it - the stylized flag of the PMR, made in color.

      25 PMR Supreme Council     


      Denomination: 10 roubles.
      Alloy: 925 Silver, 
      Quality: proof-like, colour stamp
      Diameter: 33 mm. 
      Weight: 15,55 G. 
      Mintage: 300 pcs. 
      Edge: plain
The obverse: image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. on a circle of an inscription: above - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), below «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 ROUBLES). At the bottom under the Arms a Year issue coins "2016", trade mark of the manufacturer, label of metal, test of an alloy, mass.

The reverse: in the center - the image of the PMR Supreme Council building on it - the stylized image of  PMR flag, made in color, on the right inscription - "25 ЛЕТ" (25 YEARS), along the rim - inscriptions: at the top - "ВЕРХОВНЫЙ СОВЕТ " (The Supreme Council), at the bottom - "ПМР "(PMR).

     "30 Years of the Supreme Council of the PMR"


      Denomination: 10 roubles.
      Alloy: 925 Silver, 
      Quality: proof-like with colour image
      Diameter: 33 mm. 
      Weight: 15,55 G. 
      Mintage: 200 pcs. 
      Edge: plain
The obverse: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; around the circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNESTROVIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem - the Year of issue of the coin "2020", below - the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, state assay mark, on the right - the designation of the metal, alloy fineness.

The reverse: iin the center - the image of the building of the Supreme Council of the PMR, above it - a stylized image of the Constitution of the PMR, on the cover of which the coat of arms, flag and part of the text are in color, at the top left - the inscription «30 ЛЕТ» (30 YEARS), below - the inscription «ВЕРХОВНЫЙ СОВЕТ ПМР» (SUPREME SOVIET OF THE PMR).