Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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c  10.01.2025
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c  10.01.2025
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«Orthodox churches of Pridnestrovie»

     The Cathedral of Christmas. Tiraspol. (silver)


     Denomination: 100 roubles
     Quality: proof.-like
     Diameter: 32 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 14,14 G.
     Mintage: 1000 pcs.
     Alloy: 925 silver.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-01*

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of Christmas in the city of Tiraspol. An inscription “2000” indicating the year building was finished is above the image. A circling inscription "СОБОР РОЖДЕСТВА ХРИСТОВА" (The Cathedral of Christmas) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ТИРАСПОЛЬ" (Tiraspol) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


     The Cathedral of Christmas. Tiraspol. (gold). 


    Denomination: 1000 roubles
    Quality: proof
    Diameter: 21 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 8,0 G.
    Mintage: 50 pcs.
    Alloy: 900 gold.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-02.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of Christmas in the city of Tiraspol. An inscription “2000” indicating the year building was finished is above the image. A circling inscription  "СОБОР РОЖДЕСТВА ХРИСТОВА" (The Cathedral of Christmas) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription  "ТИРАСПОЛЬ" (Tiraspol) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


    “The Church of the Protection of the Virgin". Valia-Adynkae. (silver).


    Denomination: 100 roubles
    Quality: proof.-like
    Diameter: 32 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 14,14 G.
    Mintage: 1000 pcs.
    Alloy: 925 silver.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-03.

  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of the Protection of the Virgin in the village of  Valia-Adynkae. An inscription “XVII в” ( XVII century in Cyrillic ) indicating the period of building is above the image to the right . A circling inscription "ЦЕРКОВЬ ПОКРОВА БОЖЬЕЙ МАТЕРИ" (The Church of the Protection of the Virgin) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ВАЛЯ-АДЭНКЭ" (Valia-Adynkae) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


    “The Church of the Protection of the Virgin". Valia-Adynkae. (gold).

     Denomination: 1000 roubles
     Quality: proof
     Diameter: 21 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 8,0 G.
     Mintage: 50 pcs.
     Alloy: 900 gold.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-04.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of the Protection of the Virgin in the village of Valia-Adynkae. An inscription “XVII в” ( XVII century in Cyrillic ) indicating the period of building is above the image to the right . A circling inscription "ЦЕРКОВЬ ПОКРОВА БОЖЬЕЙ МАТЕРИ" (The Church of the Protection of the Virgin) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription “Valia-Adynkae" in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


     "The Church of Assumption of the Virgin". Voronkovo. (silver).


     Denomination: 100 roubles
     Quality: proof.-like
     Diameter: 32 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 14,14 G.
     Mintage: 1000 pcs.
     Alloy: 925 silver.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-05.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of The Church of Assumption of the Virgin in the village of Voronkovo. An inscription “1800” indicating the year building of the church was finished is above to the right. A circling inscription "ЦЕРКОВЬ УСПЕНИЯ ПРЕСВЯТОЙ БОГОГОДИЦЫ" (The Church of Assumption of the Virgin) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ВОРОНКОВО" (Voronkovo) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


     "The Church of Assumption of the Virgin". Voronkovo. (gold).


     Denomination: 1000 roubles
     Quality: proof
     Diameter: 21 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 8,0 G.
     Mintage: 50 pcs.
     Alloy: 900 gold.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-06.

 there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of The Church of Assumption of the Virgin in the village of Voronkovo. An inscription “1800” indicating the year building of the church was finished is above to the right. A circling inscription "ЦЕРКОВЬ УСПЕНИЯ ПРЕСВЯТОЙ БОГОГОДИЦЫ"  (The Church of Assumption of the Virgin) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ВОРОНКОВО" (Voronkovo) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


     The  Cathedral of Ascension". Kitskany (silver).

     Denomination: 100 roubles
     Quality: proof.-like
     Diameter: 32 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 14,14 G.
     Mintage: 1000 pcs.
     Alloy: 925 silver.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-07.

  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of Ascension in the village of Kitskany. An inscription “1864” indicating the year building was finished is above the image to the right. A circling inscription "СОБОР ВОЗНЕСЕНИЯ ГОСПОДНЯ" (The Cathedral of Ascension) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "КИЦКАНЫ" (Kitskany) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.


     “The Cathedral of Ascension". Kitskany (gold).


     Denomination: 1000 roubles
     Quality: proof
     Diameter: 21 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 8,0 G.
     Mintage: 50 pcs.
     Alloy: 900 gold.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-08.

  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of Ascension in the village of Kitskany. An inscription “1864” indicating the year building was finished is above the image to the right . A circling inscription  "СОБОР ВОЗНЕСЕНИЯ ГОСПОДНЯ" (The Cathedral of Ascension) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "КИЦКАНЫ" (Kitskany) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


    “The Cathedral of the Transfiguration". Bendery (silver).


    Denomination: 100 roubles
    Quality: proof-like
    Diameter: 32 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 14,14 G.
    Mintage: 1000 pcs.
    Alloy: 925 silver.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-09.

  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.   An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in the town of Bendery. An inscription “1825” indicating the year building was finished is above the image. A circling inscription "ПРЕОБРАЖЕНСКИЙ СОБОР" (The Cathedral of the Transfiguration) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "БЕНДЕРЫ" (Bendery) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


    “The Cathedral of the Transfiguration". Bendery (gold).


    Denomination: 1000 roubles
    Quality: proof
    Diameter: 21 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 8,0 G.
    Mintage: 50 pcs.
    Alloy: 900 gold.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-10.

  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in the town of Bendery. An inscription “1825” indicating the year building was finished is above the image. A circling inscription "ПРЕОБРАЖЕНСКИЙ СОБОР"  (The Cathedral of the Transfiguration) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription  "БЕНДЕРЫ" (Bendery) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


    “The Church of Saint Trinity". Rashkov. (silver). 


    Denomination: 100 roubles
    Quality: proof.-like
    Diameter: 32 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 14,14 G.
    Mintage: 1000 pcs.
    Alloy: 925 silver

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-11.

  there is an image of the State Emblem  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.   An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:   the image of The Church of Saint Trinity in the village of Rashkov. An inscription “1778” indicating the year of building is above the image . A circling inscription  "ЦЕРКОВЬ СВЯТОЙ  ЖИВОНАЧАЛЬНОЙ ТРОИЦЫ"  (The Church of Saint Trinity) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "РАШКОВ" (Rashkov) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


    “The Church of Saint Trinity". Rashkov. (gold).


    Denomination: 1000 roubles
    Quality: proof
    Diameter: 21 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 8,0 G.
    Mintage: 50 pcs.
    Alloy: 900 gold.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-12. 

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.   An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem.
Reverse:  the image of The Church of Saint Trinity in the village of Rashkov. An inscription “1778” indicating the year of building is above the image . A circling inscription "ЦЕРКОВЬ СВЯТОЙ ЖИВОНАЧАЛЬНОЙ ТРОИЦЫ"  (The Church of Saint Trinity) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "РАШКОВ" (Rashkov) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


    “The Church of Michael the Archangel". Stroentsy. (silver).


     Denomination: 100 roubles
     Quality: proof.-like
     Diameter: 32 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 14,14 G.
     Mintage: 1000 pcs.
     Alloy: 925 silver

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-13.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.    An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of Michael the Archangel in the village of Stroentsy. An inscription “XIX” indicating the century of the church building is above the image. A circling inscription  "ЦЕРКОВЬ МИХАИЛА АРХАНГЕЛА" (The Church of Michael the Archangel) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "СТРОЕНЦЫ" (Stroentsy) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


     “The Church of Michael the Archangel". Stroentsy. (gold).      


    Denomination: 1000 roubles
    Quality: proof
    Diameter: 21 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 8,0 G.
    Mintage: 50 pcs.
    Alloy: 900 gold.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-14.

   there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.   An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:   the image of the Church of Michael the Archangel in the village of Stroentsy. An inscription “XIX” indicating the century of the church building is above the image. A circling inscription "ЦЕРКОВЬ МИХАИЛА АРХАНГЕЛА"  (The Church of Michael the Archangel) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "СТРОЕНЦЫ" (Stroentsy) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


    “The Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity". Vadul-Turckuluy. (silver).


    Denomination: 100 roubles
    Quality: proof.-like
    Diameter: 32 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 14,14 G.
    Mintage: 1000 pcs.
    Alloy: 925 silver

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-15.

  there is an image of the State Emblem  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity in the village of Vadul-Turckuluy. An inscription “1784” indicating the year of building is above the image . A circling inscription  "ЦЕРКОВЬ РОЖДЕСТВА ПРЕСВЯТОЙ БОГОРОДИЦЫ" (The Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ВАДУЛ-ТУРКУЛУЙ" (Vadul-Turckuluy) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


    “The Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity". Vadul-Turckuluy. (gold).


    Denomination: 1000 roubles
    Quality: proof
    Diameter: 21 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 8,0 G.
    Mintage: 50 pcs.
    Alloy: 900 gold.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-16.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.   An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity in the village of Vadul-Turckuluy. An inscription “1784” indicating the year of building is above the image . A circling inscription  "ЦЕРКОВЬ РОЖДЕСТВА ПРЕСВЯТОЙ БОГОРОДИЦЫ"  (The Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ВАДУЛ-ТУРКУЛУЙ"  (Vadul-Turckuluy) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


     “The Church of Paraskeva of Serbia". Zozuliany (silver).


    Denomination: 100 roubles
    Quality: proof.-like
    Diameter: 32 mm.
    The edge - smooth.
    Weight: 14,14 G.
    Mintage: 1000 pcs.
    Alloy: 925 silver.

    Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-17.

  there is an image of the State Emblem  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of Paraskeva of Serbia in the village of Zozuliany. An inscription “1854” indicating the year of building is above the image. A circling inscription  "ЦЕРКОВЬ ПАРАСКЕВЫ СЕРБСКОЙ" (The Church of Paraskeva of Serbia) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription  "ЗОЗУЛЯНЫ" (Zozuliany) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.   


     “The Church of Paraskeva of Serbia". Zozuliany (gold).


     Denomination: 1000 roubles
     Quality: proof
     Diameter: 21 mm.
     The edge - smooth.
     Weight: 8,0 G.
     Mintage: 50 pcs.
     Alloy: 900 gold.

     Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-18.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.   An inscription «2001» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Church of Paraskeva of Serbia in the village of Zozuliany. An inscription “1854” indicating the year of building is above the image. A circling inscription  "ЦЕРКОВЬ ПАРАСКЕВЫ СЕРБСКОЙ"   (The Church of Paraskeva of Serbia) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ЗОЗУЛЯНЫ" (Zozuliany) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.  


      “The Cathedral of Michael the Archangel". Rybnitsa (silver).


      Denomination: 100 roubles
      Quality: proof.-like
      Diameter: 32 mm.
      The edge - smooth.
      Weight: 14,14 G.
      Mintage: 500 pcs.
      Alloy: 925 silver

      Number in the Сatalogue 202-213-19.

Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem  Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2006» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel in the town of Rybnitsa. A circling inscription  "МИХАИЛО-АРХЕНГЕЛЬСКИЙ СОБОР " (The Cathedral of Michael the Archangel) in Cyrillic is at the top, an inscription “2006” indicating the year the cathedral was built is below to the left, and a circling inscription "РЫБНИЦА" (Rybnitsa) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. 


      “The Cathedral of Michael the Archangel". Rybnitsa (gold).


      Denomination: 1000 roubles
      Quality: proof
      Diameter: 21 mm.
      The edge - smooth.
      Weight: 8,0 G.
      Mintage: 50 pcs. 
      Alloy: 900 gold.

      Number in the Сatalogue 202-314-20.
Avers:  there is an image of the State Emblem State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "1000 РУБЛЕЙ" (1000 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2006» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  the image of the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel in the town of Rybnitsa. A circling inscription  "МИХАИЛО-АРХЕНГЕЛЬСКИЙ СОБОР" (The Cathedral of Michael the Archangel) in Cyrillic is at the top, an inscription “2006” indicating the year the cathedral was built is below to the left, and a circling inscription "РЫБНИЦА" (Rybnitsa) in Cyrillic is at the bottom.   


          "Church of  St. Andrew Pervozvany" Tiraspol.

       Denomination: 100 roubles
       Quality: proof.-like
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth.
       Weight: 14,14 G.
       Mintage: 250 pcs.
       Alloy: 925 silver.

Avers: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2012» indicating  the Year is below the image of the State Emblem, label of metal, test of an alloy, trade mark of the manufacturer.

Reverse:  At centre an  Image of   "ЦЕРКОВЬ СВЯТОГО АНДРЕЯ ПЕРВОЗВАННОГО" (Church of St. Andrew Pervozvany) , above an inscription "1793"; on a circle of an inscription: above "Тирасполь" (Тирасполь). 


      "St. Nicholas Cathedral", Tiraspol


       Alloy: 925 silver
       Quality: proof.-like
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth.
       Weight: 14,14 G.
       Mintage: 250 pcs.
Avers: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2015» indicating  the Year is left the image of the State Emblem, label of metal, test of an alloy, trade mark of the manufacturer.

Reverse: in the center - the image of St. Nicholas Cathedral, over the inscription "1804"; along the rim - an inscription: at the top - "НИКОЛЬСКИЙ СОБОР" (St. Nicholas Cathedral) at the bottom - "ТИРАСПОЛЬ" (Tiraspol).


      "Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius", Dnistrovsk 

       Denomination: 100 roubles
       Alloy: 925 silver
       Quality: proof.-like
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth.
       Weight: 14,14±0,27 г.
       Mintage: 250 pcs.
Avers: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2016» indicating  the Year is left the image of the State Emblem, label of metal, test of an alloy, trade mark of the manufacturer.

Reverse: image Cyril and Methodius Church, above it - the inscription "1997"; along the rim - inscriptions: at the top - "ХРАМ СВЯТЫХ РАВНОАПОСТОЛЬНЫХ КИРИЛЛА И МЕФОДИЯ" (Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius), at the bottom -"г. ДНЕСТРОВСК" (Dnistrovsk).




       Denomination: 100 roubles
       Alloy: 925 silver
       Quality: proof.-like
       Diameter: 32 mm.
       The edge - smooth.
       Weight: 14,14 г.
       Mintage: 250 pcs.

Avers: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republik in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republikan Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2017» indicating  the Year is left the image of the State Emblem, label of metal, test of an alloy, trade mark of the manufacturer.

Reverse: image Cathedral of All Saints, Dubossary, above it - the inscription "1797"; along the rim - inscriptions: at the top - "КАФЕДРАЛЬНЫЙ СОБОР ВСЕХ СВЯТЫХ" (Cathedral of All Saints), at the bottom -"г. Дубоссары" (Dubossary).




      Denomination: 100 roubles
      Alloy: 925 silver
      Quality: proof.-like
      Diameter: 32 mm.
      The edge - smooth.
      Weight: 14,14 г.
      Mintage: 250 pcs.

Avers: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republikan Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2018» indicating  the Year is left the image of the State Emblem, label of metal, test of an alloy, trade mark of the manufacturer.

Reverse: the center is an image of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mary, with the inscription “1998” above it; in a circle - the inscriptions: at the top - «ЦЕРКОВЬ ПОКРОВА ПРЕСВЯТОЙ БОГОРОДИЦЫ» (THE CHURCH OF THE COAST OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY), at the bottom - «г. ТИРАСПОЛЬ» (TIRASPOL).




      Denomination: 100 roubles
      Alloy: 925 silver
      Quality: proof.-like
      Diameter: 32 mm.
      The edge - smooth.
      Weight metal clean: 12,83 г.
      Mintage: 250 pcs
      Artist: Rudyaga V.I.

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - «100 РУБЛЕЙ» (100 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem is the year of issue of the coin “2019”, below is the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay stamp, on the right - the metal designation, the alloy sample.

Reverse: in the center - the image of the monastery, above it the inscription "1864"; at the top in a circle from left to right - the inscription «СВЯТО-ВОЗНЕСЕНСКИЙ НОВО-НЯМЕЦКИЙ МОНАСТЫРЬ» (HOLY-AESNESIAN NOVO-NAMEMSK MONASTERY).




      Denomination: 100 roubles
      Alloy: 925 silver
      Quality: proof.-like
      Diameter: 32 mm.
      The edge - smooth.
      Weight metal clean: 12,83 г.
      Mintage: 200 pcs
      Artist: Starodubova O.V.

Avers: in the center - the image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank), at the bottom - «100 РУБЛЕЙ» (100 RUBLES); in the lower part under the emblem is the year of issue of the coin “2020”, below is the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left - the manufacturer's logo, the state assay stamp, on the right - the metal designation, the alloy sample.

Reverse: in the center - the image of the church of Alexander Nevsky, above it - the inscription "1833"; top left to right - the inscription «ЦЕРКОВЬ АЛЕКСАНДРА НЕВСКОГО» (CHURCH OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY), below - the inscription «БЕНДЕРЫ» (BENDERY).

    “25 Years of the Tiraspol-Dubossary diocese”


      Denomination: 10 roubles
      Alloy: 925 silver
      Quality: proof.-like
      Diameter: 33 mm.
      The edge - smooth.
      Weight metal clean: 15,55 г.
      Mintage: 100 pcs
      Artist: Titova E
      Catalog number: 10200-04-02028

Avers: in the center - an image of the State Emblem of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic; in a circle - inscriptions: at the top - «ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК» (PRIDNISTRIAN REPUBLICAN BANK), at the bottom - «10 РУБЛЕЙ» (10 RUBLES); in the lower part under the coat of arms – the year of issue of the coin “2023”, below – the content of chemically pure metal in grams, on the left – the manufacturer’s logo, the state hallmark, on the right – the designation of the metal, the alloy sample.

Reverse: in the center - an image of the building of the diocesan administration of the Tiraspol-Dubossary diocese, the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ; at the top in a circle is the inscription «ТИРАСПОЛЬСКО - ДУБОССАРСКАЯ ЕПАРХИЯ» (TIRASPOL-DUBOSSAR DIOCESE”) below is the inscription «25 ЛЕТ» (25 YEARS).

     *The Catalog of a "Coin Pridnestrovian Republican bank 2000-2007 Years". (issie 2007. Tiraspol)