Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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"Chinese horoscope"



         Denomination: 100 roubles
         Quality: proof.-like
         Diameter: 32 mm.
         The edge - smooth.
         Weight: 14,14 G.
         Mintage: 1000 pcs.
         Alloy: 925 silver.

          Number in the Catalogue 615-213-01*.

Averse:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription  "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription  "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2006» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  The circular inscription "ГОД ОГНЕННОЙ СОБАКИ"  (YEAR OF RED DOG) is at the top written in semicircle along the edging from the top to right , an inscription “2006 “ is below in the centre. The stylized image of the Chinese Red Dog is in the centre; the Chinese hieroglyph indicating this year is at the bottom. 

Reference: Chinese horoscope is based on the rhythms of the Jupiter and the Moon. The full cycle lasts for 60 years and consists of 5 smaller cycles , each one lasts for 12 years; Every smaller cycle has its own animal and a base element, that is wood, fire, soil, metal and water. Besides an animal and a base element every Chinese year is associated with one of five colours: blue, red, yellow, white and black. The Chinese year of the RED DOG finishes 12-year cycle and lasts from January, 20 , 2006 till February, 17, 2007.   The Red Dog loves accuracy and order. The Red Dog is very self-confident and purposeful. It is fond of working hard and makes the others to be the same. Devotion and conservatism are the main characteristics of the Red Dog as well as a very loud voice.




           Denomination: 100 roubles
           Quality: proof.-like
           Diameter: 32 mm.
           The edge - smooth.
           Weight: 14,14 G.
           Mintage: 500 pcs.
           Alloy: 925 silver.

          Number in the Catalogue 615-213-02. 

Averse:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic.  An inscription «2007» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  The close-up stylized image of the Chinese Red Wild Boar is in the centre. An inscription  "ГОД ОГНЕННОГО КАБАНА" (YEAR OF RED WILD BOAR) is written in semicircle along the edging from left to top. The Chinese hieroglyph indicating the symbol of this year is to the right of the image. An inscription “2007 “ is at the bottom.    


               «CHINESE YEAR OF EARTHEN RAT". 


Denomination: 100 roubles
           Quality: proof.-like
           Diameter: 32 mm. 
           The edge - smooth.
           Weight: 14,14 G. 
           Mintage: 500 pcs. 
           Alloy: 925 silver 

Averse:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2008» indicating the year is below the image of the State Emblem. 

Reverse:  At centre an image rat. Above: from left to right inscription  "ГОД ЗЕМЛЯНОЙ КРЫСЫ" (YEAR EARTHEN RAT), on the right - hieroglyph designating numeral of a Year, below - "2008".


             "Chinese Year of  an earthen bull".


           Denomination: 100 roubles
           Quality: proof.-like 
           Diameter: 32 mm.
           The edge - smooth.
           Weight: 14,14 G. 
           Mintage: 500 pcs.
           Alloy: 925 silver.

Averse:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2009» indicating the  Year is below the image of the State Emblem.

Reverse: At centre an image of a bull. Above: from left to right inscription "ГОД ЗЕМЛЯНОГО БЫКА " (YEAR OF EARTHEN BULL). On the right hieroglyph designating numeral of a year. Below: "2009". 


               "Chinese Year of a tiger".


            Denomination: 100 roubles 
            Quality: proof.-like
            Diameter: 32 mm. 
            The edge - smooth. 
            Weight: 14,14 G. 
            Mintage: 250 pcs. 
            Alloy: 925 silver

Averse:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2010» indicating the  Year is below the image of the State Emblem.

Reverse:  At centre an image of a tiger. From left to right inscription in russian "ГОД ТИГРА" (YEAR of a TIGER). Above: a hieroglyph designating numeral of a Year. Below: "2010", on the right - label of metal, test of an alloy, contents of precious metal in cleanness and trade-mark of a Mint. 


             "Chinese Year of a rabbit ".


          Denomination: 100 roubles 
          Quality: proof.-like 
          Diameter: 32 mm. 
          The edge - smooth. 
          Weight: 13,87 G. 
          Mintage: 300 pcs. 
          Alloy: 925 silver

Averse:  there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2011» indicating the Year is below the image of the State Emblem, label of metal, test of an alloy, trade mark of the manufacturer.

Reverse:  At centre: close up an image of the rabbit. From left  to  right  inscription "ГОД КРОЛИКА" (YEAR OF THE RABBIT). Above: a hieroglyph designating numeral of  Year. Below: "2011". 


             "Year Fiery Dragon".  

          Denomination: 100 roubles 
          Quality: proof.-like
          Diameter: 32 mm.
          The edge - smooth. 
          Weight: 14,14 G.
          Mintage: 250 pcs. 
          Alloy: 925 silver

Averse: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2012» indicating the Year is below the image of the State Emblem.

Reverse:   At centre an image Dragon of numeral of  2012; on the right  hieroglyph designating numeral of  Year; on a circle of an inscription: above "ГОД ОГНЕННОГО ДРАКОНА" (YEAR FIERY DRAGON), below "2012". 

        "Year of a Snake".


        Denomination: 100 roubles 
        Quality: proof.-like
        Alloy: 925 silver 
        Diameter: 32 mm. 
        The edge - smooth. 
        Weight: 14,15 G. 
        Mintage: 250 pcs. 
Averse: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2013» indicating the Year is below the image of  the State Emblem. At the left – a logo of the manufacturer, the state assay brand, on the right – metal designation, alloy test. 

Reverse:  in the center  – close up the stylized image of a snake – a symbol of 2013; below – a hieroglyph designating a symbol of  Year; at the left inscription: "2013", on the right – "ГОД ЗМЕИ" (YEAR of the SNAKE). 


        "Year of the Horse".

        Denomination: 100 roubles
        Quality: proof.-like 
        Alloy: 925 silver 
        Diameter: 32 mm. 
        The edge - smooth. 
        Weight: 13,87 G. 
        Mintage: 200 pcs. 

Averse: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2013» indicating the Year is below the image of  the State Emblem. At the left – a logo of  the manufacturer, the state assay brand, on the right – metal designation, alloy test. 

Reverse: in the center – the image of a horse; at the left – an inscription "ГОД ЛОШАДИ" (YEAR OF THE HORSE), the hieroglyph designating a symbol of  2014, below – an inscription "2014".


       "Year of the Goat"


       Denomination: 100 roubles
       Quality: proof.-like 
       Alloy: 925 silver 
       Diameter: 32 mm. 
       The edge - smooth. 
       Weight: 14,14 G. 
       Mintage: 250 pcs. 

Averse: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2014» left - the logo of the manufacturer, the state hallmark, right - designation of metal alloy.      

Reverse: in the center - close-up of a stylized image of a goat; top - hieroglyph symbol 2015; bottom - the inscription "2015" on the left - the inscription "ГОД КОЗЫ" (Year of the Goat).


      "Year of  the Monkey". 


       Denomination: 100 roubles 
       Quality: proof.-like 
       Alloy: 925 silver 
       Diameter: 32 mm. 
       The edge - smooth. 
       Weight: 13,87 G. 
       Mintage: 250 pcs. 

Averse: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2015» left - the logo of the manufacturer, the state hallmark, right - designation of metal alloy.  

Reverse: in the center - the stylized image of sitting on the rocks with a snub-nosed monkey cub of China; Left in the background - a fragment of a Chinese landscape; above - hieroglyph symbol of 2016; at the top - the inscription "ГОД ОГНЕННОЙ ОБЕЗЬЯНЫ" (Year of the Fiery Monkey) at the bottom - the inscription "2016".




   Denomination: 100 roubles 
   Quality: proof.-like 
   Alloy: 925 silver 
   Diameter: 32 mm. 
   The edge - smooth. 
   Weight: 13,87 G. 
   Mintage: 250 pcs.

Averse: there is an image of the State Emblem Pridnestrovian Moldavian Respublic in the centre, circled by an inscription "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrovian Republican Bank) in Cyrillic above the image along the edging and an inscription "100 РУБЛЕЙ" (100 rubles) in Cyrillic. An inscription «2016» left - the logo of the manufacturer, the state hallmark, right - designation of metal alloy.  

Reverse: in the center the stylized image of a rooster; above - hieroglyph symbol 2017; left inscription - "2017" at the top of the inscription - «ГОД ОГНЕННОГО ПЕТУХА» (YEAR FIERY ROOSTER).

*The Catalogue "Coins Pridnestrovian Republican bank 2000-2007 " (Tiraspol,2007).